Outstanding workshops for schools
All of our events and activities are designed to give students a greater insight into subjects and course programmes, career progression opportunities, studying at a sixth form and student life. We also seek to raise the aspirations of students from groups who are under-represented in particular courses.
We offer a wide range of events throughout the year aimed at prospective students and school staff:
Assemblies (Year 9, 10 & 11)
Careers fairs, college progression evenings and parents evenings
Year 9 options sessions
Mock Interview and Transition Days
Subject taster sessions and practical workshops
Academic masterclasses
Advice mornings or afternoons
Application surgeries
Bespoke curriculum related sessions
Tailored SEND sessions for Foundation Learning students
Partnership Programmes
College Tours
CPD Teacher Training
Networking events for staff
Supporting Gatsby Benchmarks and the Baker Clause
All of our activities and sessions are completely free and aimed to complement the new Careers Strategy and meet a number of the Gatsby benchmarks. Members of our Schools Outreach Programme are eligible to book a maximum of 4 subject tasters/ workshop sessions per year. These sessions can be tailored to support current curriculum and learning topics.
The Gatsby Benchmarks we meet;
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil.
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers.
7. Encounters with further and higher education.
Our programme meets these key points of the Bakers’ Clause;
Schools should promote the full range of technical options.
Schools must open their doors to other education and training providers, providing a range of opportunities for providers to talk to all year 8 - 13 pupils about their offer.
Pupils should be aware of the benefits of apprenticeships, T Levels and other approved technical education qualifications.
Schools should make every effort to improve their performance against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.