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Exams 2024/24

updates and information for students and parents.

Page last updated 23 January 2025.

We have collated a range of documents to help our students prepare for your exams at NewVIc. Please take some time to read through each document carefully, so that you know what to expect from your upcoming exams.

If you have any queries, please email


March 2025 Mock Exams 

You can view a copy of the timetable of mock exams being held in March 2025 here.

Results Day

Results are emailed to students and made available on ProPortal on the morning of results day. Once logged into ProPortal, click: Information > Enrolments to see your results.

If you are unable to log into ProPortal,  please contact MIS on

If you have forgotten your password and need to reset it, please get in touch with the LRC on

Celebrate your results!

Join in on our results day celebration.

We want to know how you did, what your next plans are. If you would like to be involved, please send us a photo or video of your celebrating your results to or via WhatsApp on 07894 621852 or tag us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook using #NewVIcResultsDay

Please note, your comments, photos and videos may be published on our website and social media.


Get Support

For exam result queries:

If you have a query regarding your results such as remarks, please email: A member of our exam team will respond within 48 hours.


For support with Clearing and UCAS:

If you need advice or support with Clearing and UCAS, please email Your email will be forwarded to a specialist curriculum team leader or careers advisor who will advise you on your options.



If you would like to appeal your results please complete the following form.

Please make sure you read the information below before completing the form:

NewVIc Post Results Services & Fees, Summer 2023

JCQ Post Results Service, Summer 2024


UCAS & Clearing

Confirmation and clearing: the essentials.

Please remember to keep enrolled on UCAS & Clearing Google Classroom until after results day. The below information is taken from the UCAS website and will help you understand what will happen on results day.


UCAS Clearing Guidance

Clearing is how universities fill up spaces they still have on courses. It is open from the 5 July to 17 October 2023. Our Tutorial team have put together a handy guide on how to prepare for Clearing on Results Day which you can read here.

Please note that our Senior Tutorial Team, Careers and External Support will be on hand to support and guide NewVIc students through the UCAS Clearing process on Thursday 17 August 2023 (between 9:30am - 16:00) and Friday 18 August 2023 (9:30am - 15:00). Alternatively, NewVIc Students can email with their clearing query or to request support.

What do your results mean?

Watch UCAS How-To guide where they explain what your status in Track means and what to do next.

Watch this video to get an overview of what to do after you get your results.


Clearing is now open

If you don’t get the exam grades you hoped for and your places are not confirmed, they you can try to find another course through Clearing.

From 5 July – 19 October, you can apply for a course using Clearing if you’re not already holding an offer from a university or college, and the course still has places.

You can use Clearing if:

  • you’re applying after 30 June

  • you didn’t receive any offers (or none you wanted to accept)

  • you didn’t meet the conditions of your offers

  • you've paid the multiple choice application fee of £26

  • you’ve declined your firm place using the ‘decline my place’ button in Track

The awarding of results

Because results have been awarded differently across the four home nations this year, we want to make sure you’re aware of what this means for students and their applications.

Those who’ve been awarded provisional grades/results will still have to wait until results day for them to be confirmed. This also remains true for university or college places.

Students should not contact their chosen universities or colleges between now and results day to discuss the outcome of their application. It is only when the results embargo is lifted at 8:30 (UK time) on 10 August that students’ results and applications can be discussed.


Removal of the AS-12 confirmation letter

This summer students will no longer be presented with an ‘AS12’ confirmation letter once their place is confirmed. Instead, students will receive details of what they need to do, and when via their Track account, or directly from their university or college.

Student should use their personal status codes when opening a student bank account which can also be found in Track.


Clearing Plus

Clearing Plus makes it easier for you to find the right course match for you:

  • Applicants in Clearing can view a list of courses they've personally been matched to in Track – all they need to do is click the 'View matches' button.

  • Browse from a list of courses you’ve been matched to based on your application and the students universities and colleges have said they're looking for.

  • If you find a course you want to be considered for, click the 'I'm interested' button and your details will be passed to the university or college.

  • If the university or college still has places, they may reach out to discuss things further and make an offer.

  • If you receive an offer, all that's left to do is to add it as a Clearing choice so your place can be confirmed.


Searching for courses

Official Clearing course vacancy information is only published by UCAS from 6 July. There are over 35,000 courses for students to choose from.

When an applicant finds a course they’re interested in, they should talk to the uni or college – if they share their Clearing number the provider can look up their application. If they then secure a verbal offer, the applicant can then add the choice in Track.

More information is available on our the Clearing page on the UCAS website.

Watch UCAS How-To Guide

This guide explains how you can use Clearing to find a course at university or college if you don't have a place.


Get the latest from UCAS

Follow UCAS on Social Media.

Make sure you follow UCAS on social media. As well as giving you the chance to get your questions answered, they are hosting weekly Facebook lives for students, from now until results day. They will be covering a range of topics, so  follow them online so you don’t miss out!
