Janeen Fearon


On work-life:

“NewVIc is such a wonderful place to work because of its diversity and inclusivity. The students here are lively, talented and come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. There is a real sense of community amongst both staff and students. The students are very warm and respect professional boundaries, which makes carrying out my role quite pleasant and enjoyable.

I hold a (BSc) in Business Health Care Management from Anglia Ruskin University, A HLTA Diploma, a Diploma in counselling Children and Adolescents and a Diploma in Social Work Studies. I have experience of working as a Safeguarding and Mental Health professional for over 24 years of expertise across education and social care. I support students with a number of issues and I signpost them to a variety of services that can provide them with additional support. I regularly share student resources and tools that can help them manage their mental health and wellbeing. The truth is everyone has, at some point, experienced some type of mental health crisis and this is nothing to be ashamed of.

In my spare time I like to write, paint and also have my own recording studio where I run regular podcasts covering topics around wellbeing - including self care and self love.”


“Everyone needs support and it shows a student’s strength and bravery whenever they seek out advice and help.”  


On the most inspiring person you have met:

“The most inspirational person I have met is a mature university lecturer who encouraged me to live my dreams and become an entrepreneur.”


On her mental health career:

“Prior to entering the safeguarding and mental health profession, I started my career at the age of 17 within an Early Years setting and I just knew that I wanted to work with children and young people as a career. I have been very fortunate over the years to have worked for a number of amazing children's charities and youth organisations.

I’m really enjoying my time here. Every day is different at NewVIc and if you are having a particularly busy day there's always a friendly face in the office. Everyone needs support and it shows a student’s strength and bravery whenever they seek out advice and help.”


On student progression from wellbeing services:

“We are a very friendly team and it is our aspiration to assist students with their attendance, attainment, academic performance and achievement by supporting them and the diverse range of issues they face with our services.

Our collaborative work and statistics show that:

● Young people find our sessions a safe space

● Young people feel listened to and heard

● Young people can be supported to find resolutions for their concerns

● Young people feel understood and visible

We advise all students if they ever feel overwhelmed to talk to someone - whether that’s a trusted friend, family member, or counsellor as this can make a big difference.”
