Tasnim (in green) with some of her classmates in Morocco
Tasnim is a second-year student studying vocational level 3 in Travel and Tourism. As part of her course, Tasnim was recently selected to go on a research trip to Marrakech to study sustainable and specialist tourism in Morocco. She progressed from Jo Richardson Community School and joined the college. We caught up with Tasnim to find out a little more about her journey so far.
What made you choose NewVIc?
My relatives and friends suggested NewVIc to me because they knew that the college has an extensive learning support service which could help me with my dyslexia-related learning and hearing loss. I was also surprised by the variety of courses that were on offer; A Levels, vocational and T Level courses to choose from. I still don't know what career I want to pursue in the future, so this was incredibly useful having lots of options.
From my visit to NewVIc I got the impression that it was a highly varied institution, which my secondary school lacked. I love learning about different identities and cultures outside of the internet, and NewVIc is a real mix bag of diverse individuals, from the lecturers to the students which is really great to see.
I was taken aback by the possibility of choosing a course in travel and tourism because it doesn’t seem like a widely known course. I had to take advantage of the chance and find out about this course. I enjoy travelling in general, therefore by choosing this course, I would broaden my perspective and views on travel and tourism.
I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't pick travel and tourism for the overseas excursions that the college websites highlights. It was exciting to know that I would be travelling both by myself and with my peers. By taking these trips, not only did I get more knowledge about the course, but I also had the ability to hone life skills like teamwork and organising myself.
Morocco was one of the places we had to research in preparation for our tests, therefore I recently learned about it whist doing my research. Morocco and its ability to encourage sustainable tourism were the topics of the exam question. The concept of sustainable tourism embraces the complete travel experience, taking into account social, economic, and environmental considerations. My classmates and I struggled to identify the activities that tourists can engage in to achieve sustainable tourism. We gained a deeper understanding of sustainable tourism thanks to our trip to Marrakech, Morocco, and we realised there are more straightforward ways to engage in this kind of travel, such as walking and bicycling around the neighbourhood and taking in the beauty of the destination as you look around.
How have you found college so far?
I haven't had any complaints so far, and there is nothing to be upset about. Along with a network of supportive friends, I have two top-notch instructors. When I leave the classroom, I am astonished by the knowledge I have acquired; in fact, it has sparked my interest in later pursuing a career in the travel and tourist industry. Being on the course I have had the chance to educate myself for a career in the industry, this makes me very pleased and grateful.
Is there anything you wish you had known that you do now?
Nobody anticipated that there would be support. Making friends and adjusting to life at school or college have always been tough for me because I have hearing loss in one ear. Nevertheless, NewVIc has helped me every step of the way, from teachers putting me in front of the class to getting additional time on tests.
My life has been greatly impacted by my hearing loss, which has even had an affect on my mental health. I used to believe that being disabled devalues a person and that if I try to succeed in life, I'll fail. I used the opportunity to be confident and wondered if I could obtain support in lessons as disabilities have begun to come out of their shell as people with hidden impairments come out with confidence to say we should be equal and no one should treat us differently as times have changed. I had anticipated that teachers would support me by moving me to the front of the class so that I could hear them more clearly, but what I experienced instead was teachers approaching me one-on-one and asking if they needed to repeat anything again just for me.
Who is the most inspiring person you have ever met?
My mother is without a doubt the most inspirational person I have ever met. My mum has been not only my closest friend but also a source of countless motivational tales. My mother and I have faced comparable challenges as our infirmities have affected us, but she has always urged me to disprove the critics. Women from Asian backgrounds were typically advised to stay at home, but my mother did not miss the opportunity to receive a free education while growing up in England. My mother finished secondary school, attended higher education, and found employment. My mother consistently advised me to be independent and to avoid falling prey to stereotypes. My mum broke the mould within our family.
What is your advice for students considering NewVIc?
Future students should pursue their interests and not let others influence or cajole them away from what they want to achieve, is my advice. Accept your mistakes as well; by doing so, you will learn more, increasing your probability of success. Try not to be too hard on yourself.
So what’s next?
I intend to attend university, but I'm not sure which course to choose yet, which is okay. In terms of education, I also wish to maintain my confidence and positive outlook and aim high.