

Dorota is an aspiring medic, Oxbridge candidate and first year student studying A Levels in Biology, Chemistry and Maths. She arrived from Poland and joined the college on our Progress to Advanced Programme. We caught up with Dorota to find out a little more about her journey so far.

What made you choose NewVIc?

When looking for a college I spent hours researching them. The state-of-the-art LRC was my biggest reason to come here, I just knew it was the perfect place for me to study and spend free periods getting on with my work and hanging out with my friends. I was also amazed by NewVIc’s diversity and inclusivity, something not many other colleges were offering. I knew it was going to be a safe place where I will feel comfortable and supported.

How have you found sixth form so far?

My experience has been nothing but awesome so far. Being able to study my three favorite subjects makes me very happy, however it is very challenging and requires a lot of hard work and dedication from me. We get great support from the teachers, even throughout the pandemic when we shifted to remote online learning. I still felt very supported throughout.

The college offers a variety of sport activities for young people to participate in, like volleyball, which I love and play regularly. I also am keen on my wellbeing and student mental health - we have had lots of events around these at the college (online and some onsite activities) to get involved with and learn more about taking care of ourselves and different techniques to relieve some stress.

Tell us about some of the projects you have been involved in at the college?

During my first year at NewVIc I was a part of the Here Come the Girls Ambassador with the Sports Academy at the college. Being an ambassadors involved me organising charity events, sports activities and events that raise awareness to the student community, for example about breast cancer and mental health.

I had a chance to be a part of the Brilliant Club - (a university like experience) where I studied and wrote an essay about how ‘The Biopsychosocial model affects adolescents’ mental health’, in which I achieved a 1st grade! I explored how the biological, psychological and socio-environmental factors interconnect in depression development, subsequently, critically evaluating evidence-based treatment for the disorder. I am very grateful for having this opportunity as it allowed me to gain research, time-management and critical thinking skills.

I completed a course on Future-learn by the University of East Anglia which focused on current issues regarding combating antimicrobial resistance. I learnt that infections which are now being treated with antibiotics can again become life threatening diseases. The solution can seem very simple - stop overusing antibiotics, following doctors’ instructions and most importantly having good hygiene which will help minimise the risk of spreading illnesses. Adherence to these rules is now quite low, but it is the foundation of combating the problem.

During the course I also learned that pharmaceutical companies do not focus on developing new antibiotics due to the fact that other medicines bring them more money, which makes antimicrobial resistance even a more severe problem because once our current antibiotics stop working we will not even have a back-up. I’m hoping that more people will pay attention to how they use antibiotics, and care even more about good hygiene. The COVID restrictions are now being eased but it’s not only coronavirus that we want to stop from spreading, it’s all kinds of infections and diseases.

Is there anything you wish you had known that you do now?

At the beginning, I was afraid of participating in the enrichment and sport activities - however there was no need. Everyone is so friendly and helpful, the extra activities are extremely cool. I also wish I had known that it is okay to sometimes take a rest day, otherwise you can lose your motivation.

Who is the most inspiring person you have ever met?

There are so many so it’s hard to choose one.

I was recently given the opportunity to interview and have a discussion with NewVIc alumni Gerda who is now doing her PhD at University of Oxford. She has inspired me and shared some invaluable insights of getting into a top university. It was great to learn and see that a NewVIc alumni student like Gerda got very far who also started out like myself, it’s very encouraging. You can watch the interview with Gerda here:

What is your advice for students considering NewVIc?

Working hard from the beginning of your studies is crucial to achieve great results. If you sometimes feel overwhelmed or overworked you can talk to your teachers, take a day off from revising and the power will come back to you. Remember to take care of yourself and participate in activities that will boost your level of endorphins!

So what’s next?

I am starting my UCAS application and hoping to get into one of the top universities to study biochemistry. I am getting great support from the Vice Principal Magdalena, and I am very grateful for that. I am looking forward to seeing where my applications lead me to.

Dorota created this poster as part of her learning with Future-learn by University of East Anglia

Dorota created this poster as part of her learning with Future-learn by University of East Anglia
