Andrea and Elizabeth


Andrea and Elizabeth are first-year students at NewVIc, Andrea a former Cumberland School student and Elizabeth is from Little Ilford School. Both girls are studying a two year Level 3 90-Credit Diploma in Business course.

What made you choose NewVIc?

Andrea: I chose NewVIc after visiting the college as part of a school drop down trip we had for our entire year 11 students. I had the opportunity to go on a tour of the college and see the facilities and diverse student community from around the world and hear about the courses and support available to us. I had a good feel about the college, I liked what I saw and heard and wanted to be part of it.

Elizabeth: I went to lots of college open days, the vibe at other colleges wasn’t right, some seemed like they were big headed in what they could offer to me. This wasn’t the case for when I visited NewVIc. Straight away I felt how down to earth staff and students were, I loved the environment of the college and the vibes were good! It is also a college that is close to home and I had two older sisters that studied at the college (I still have one sister in her final year of studies).

How were your first two weeks at sixth form?

Andrea: I was really scared at the start, to be honest; I didn’t know anyone in my class due to missing my induction. However, saying that I managed to get to know people and found some old faces from my former school which helped. I have new friends including Elizabeth, we just started to explore the college, find out where things are and spend time together at breaks.

Elizabeth: I wasn’t nervous or scared, I felt quite cool about it all. I knew it was going to be fine and go well for me, why? Because you can just tell from when you visit here that this college is friendly and well structured.

Is there anything you wish you had known that you do now?

Andrea: I didn’t know what I wanted to be or do for my future. I now know that I want to be an accountant and what I need to study in order to achieve this.

Elizabeth: Nothing really.

What is your advice for students considering NewVIc?

Andrea: NewVIc is better than it might seem to some people, I heard lots of students at my school say they don’t like it without finding out themselves. You should visit and find out yourself, come to the open day and see for yourself all that it has to offer for you. I definitely feel that I made the right decision in coming here to study for my future.

Elizabeth: Take the advice from people that actually know the college — they’re the ones that are in it to know it. NewVIc helped my sister get to university and I know that the college will support me and get me to further my studies to get into a career.

So what’s next?

Both: We’re going to choose the right circle of friends to stick with, focus and study hard on our course. We want to get our first choice university to get to where we need to get to. We want to make ourselves and our family proud of our achievements and be a role model to others!
