NewVIc Foundation learning sensory garden for students officially opens

May showers didn’t stop the official opening of a new sensory garden at NewVIc. In the run up to the event, Foundation learners were very busy preparing the site, planting fruit trees, herbs, climbers, vegetables and a range of shrubs.

Before the May half term, students and staff were joined by Vice Principal, Curriculum and Quality, Sijul Miah to open the sensory garden; a space where Foundation learners can benefit from outdoor lessons, learn about growing and using produce from the garden in their day to day lessons. Students and staff are also able to use the space for relaxation and wellbeing.

Foundation Learning students, Pheona, Danny and Harish, said:

“We’re very excited to use this space for our gardening lessons, planting and just enjoying the time being here. We are very happy to have this space be created for all of us where we can learn, relax and eat fruits and vegetables.”

Annabelle Herring, Foundation Learning Manager at NewVIc added:

“Gardening is an important part of the Foundation Learning programme at NewVIc. We have embedded horticulture in the curriculum for our learners. It is a great way to help our students build their independent living and employability skills. Our Foundation Learners are lucky enough to have their very own garden on site and we have exciting plans to work in partnership with Friends of the Earth and the local community - the garden has so much to offer.

Watch the official garden opening here.

Find out more about NewVIc Foundation Learning courses here.
