How to stay focused on your career options during college closures

Remain versatile in your skills

It has come as no surprise that during the pandemic lock-down of 2020, NHS workers have been hailed as heroes of the nation as front line workers who sacrificed their time and health to look after those most affected by the COVID-19 virus.

However, surprisingly, other roles have also been classed as important to keep the nation going and these ‘key workers’ have proven to be just as important at a time of great need and great change

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10 jobs that remained active during UK closures

1. Medical workers


This included doctors, nurses and paramedics. Newly qualified junior doctors, final year medicine and nursing students and retired doctors and nurses were asked to work and volunteer in hospitals as the demand increased during the peak of the outbreak.


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2. Factory workers


Factory workers were in high demand to produce emergency medical supplies such as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including face visors, goggles, masks, gloves and aprons in batches of millions to be distributed across the UK. Supplies from other countries had also been sent to the UK to support the work of the NHS and this meant there was also a demand for port workers and distribution lorries.

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3. Engineers and product manufacturers


New emergency breathing ventilators were in demand with engineers needed to design, assemble, test and manufacture the machines. A leading university, University College London teamed up with Formula 1 car manufacturer Mercedes-AMG to produce a new non-invasive respirator that was clinically approved and sent for production immediately.


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4. Construction workers and electricians


These highly skilled and trained professionals were called in to create makeshift hospitals within days to cater for the unprecedented demand for healthcare space.


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5. Supermarket workers


These patient and hard-working, customer facing individuals were critical to ensure the nation can access food supplies throughout times of restricted movements across the UK. Stores remained open and hundreds of new vacancies arose to meet demands.

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6. Security officers

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Security Officers were much needed to maintain safe movements in and around supermarkets and ensure the ‘social distancing’ rule was adhered to. Officers also had the power to allow key workers and vulnerable adults into supermarkets as priority customers to deliver an equal and fair service.

7. Lorry drivers

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These workers were essential for food distribution across the UK for supermarket shelves and local food shops. Continuous work across the food industry meant that the nation was not disadvantaged as a result of the lock-down rules.

8. Nursery Nurses and Teachers


Although all educational establishments had closed, teachers and nursery workers were classed as one of the top key workers during this period. Some schools remained open to support NHS staff and other key workers to carry out their duties.

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9. Food production companies and farms


Food production companies and it’s workers stayed in work to continue supplying food across the UK as demand rose rapidly. More people were shopping online than ever before as well as entering shop floors during the panic buying period with supply and demand dictating the speed at which food was being sent to supermarket shelves.


10. Scientists and researchers


The urgency to discover a cure for the virus had many scientists across the globe come together to share scientific data in record speed. Scientists worked rapidly, including experimenting potential curable drugs on voluntary human participants and providing updates to governments and heads of state with forecasts and advice on how to respond to the virus in the short and long term.

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How can I find the right career for me?

  1. Take the time to discover the type of learner you are. This will help you understand which type of course and programme will suit you and your future ambitions. Try the quiz below to discover your unique style.

    What Kind Of Learner Are You?

  2. Finding out how your interests and strengths can lead you onto a career that you will flourish in is a good way to start your research.

    Free careers test

  3. Sign up to career related quizzes and resources to match your personality, hobbies and interests to careers that might suit you.

    Career Hunter | Get matched with your ideal career!

  4. Work on your skills-set to remain versatile should you have to make a career move. Write down your skills and strengths and and include these in your CV and any portfolios you have. When you emark on a new experience, try to get out of your comfort zone, take on newer responsibilities to develop greater skills.

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Why do I need a versatile skills-set?

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Although lock-down had an effect on the movement of people across the country, this proved that soft and hard skills were most in need as people needed to exert exceptional resilience during changes in working hours, patterns and pay.

Many people who lost jobs or couldn’t work, applied for new posts from a range of sectors, including healthcare, food and production and transport. This is the reason you need to make sure you are a skilled individual with the confidence to take on a new job should the need arise or should you wish to do so.

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Staying focused isn’t easy at a time of great change, but remember that the skills and knowledge you have acquired over your school career is one to be nurtured and developed to help you progress.

Always stay on top of your work, develop your skills through hobbies and other engaging activities as there will always be a time when you will need to use those all important skills to be successful in your future career.

How to Find a Hobby

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