Top 10 most popular degrees in the UK

Inspiring careers across all sectors

With over 50,000 undergraduate courses throughout the UK and almost 400 providers, choosing a degree and university can be challenging to say the least. Thankfully, you can apply to up to 5 courses, giving you an interval period to feel confident about which university and course you choose in the end.

Here are the top 10 most popular degrees based on the number of applications received by UCAS in 2018:

10. Economics

58,480 applications received

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This is the study of money, inflation, investments, financial growth and how we use money to accommodate our needs in society. Graduates can expect a starting salary of around £26,000 in their first job making this a very good choice for aspiring economists.

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9. Sport and exercise science

65,305 applications received

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This industry is well known for producing elite players who earn high-ranking salaries. However, there is also a demand for professionals adept at performance analysis and business management. There are also career opportunities in sports psychology, clinical and cardiac science as well as physiotherapy.

Careers in Sport

8. Business and admin courses

75,090 applications received

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Business studies allow a combination of two courses within the actual degree such as business and marketing, business and finance and business management and accounting. Job opportunities are also wider leaving greater flexibility in the career pathway after completion.

Apprenticeship Opportunities

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7. Pre-clinical medicine

75,395 applications received

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In preclinical sciences, students study subjects such as biochemistry, genetics, anatomy, molecular biology, microbiology and pathology to name a few. It is the first step to becoming a medical professional with a separate admissions process for the second step, which is clinical medicine.

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NHS Career planning

6. Management studies

77,280 applications received

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Management studies explores how to get the structures and systems of organisations right in order to propel the business to success. This is a necessary study for both the private and public sector. Many are drawn to careers that let them lead, manage and make decisions.

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5. Design studies

89,400 applications received

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Creative degrees attract artistic and creative students who feel confident in their ability to make a difference, express their ideas and make decisions. The associated subjects within the degree allow students to specialise in their field of interest. Examples of combined subjects range from graphic design and visual communications to fashion design and illustration.

Big opportunities in the creative sector

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4. Computer science

95,035 applications received


The digital tech sector is worth nearly £184 billion and is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the UK. There is an increasing demand for computer analysts, programmers, software engineers as well as students who have studied a range of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) related subjects.

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3 . Law by area

119,430 applications received

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Law by area is the study of law by region. This could include the UK as a whole including England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland, European Union and public international law. The degree lays the foundation for solicitors, barristers and prosecutors.

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2. Psychology

121,465 applications received

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With recent surges in mental health awareness and a greater need for support, Psychology is still as popular as ever. Many choose this degree to pursue a career in therapy, social work or teaching. Others choose it to develop a professional understanding and insight into the ways in which people behave, react and interact, a skill that is useful in every industry.

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1. Nursing

162,464 applications received

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The NHS is the biggest employer in the UK, with a high demand for skilled health professionals across all areas. There are also near-guaranteed career opportunities at the end of the degree.

The future of the health sector

NHS explore roles

What if I am not sure of which degree to choose?

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You may have more than one career goal in mind or not yet sure of which pathway you would like to pursue. There are a number of ways you can research your higher education options to help you decide:

1. Take a careers quiz

This can help you discover your interests, skills and personality and a good way to find out which career would be more suitable for you as a person.

The Buzz quiz

What kind of learner are you

2. Seek careers advice

Talking to an advisor is a good way to express your interests, goals and dreams for your future. The advisor will assist you in exploring different options, including various courses and levels you can study. Advisors are impartial therefore you will receive a good insight into the various routes and pathways you can pursue through clear and informed guidance.

Careers advice

3. Look at career and job prospects

It is advisable to research job prospects to have an understanding of the industry itself. You may come across jobs that interest you, which will help you decide which pathway to follow.

Career hunter

4. Compare degrees and HE courses

This will help you explore different degrees and find specialisms that interest you. You may wish to combine subjects and this will help you find the combination that’s just right for you. You will also be able to compare whether a higher diploma or a full degree works best for your career plans.

5. Attend university open days

Open days are the perfect way to interact with the institute, talk to course leaders, find out more about units, work experience and internship opportunities and most importantly see the campus. Getting a feel of the university culture and knowing about the additional clubs and societies will help you decide which university suits you best.

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Researching HE (higher education) options can be fun. Take your time, do thorough research and stay focused on your aspirations. It’s all about building your own platforms for a great future and well worth investing your time and efforts in.

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