Newham Sixth Form College

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Hanson Fernandes

Hanson Fernandes’ journey began in 2015 when he arrived in London from Goa, India. Since then he has completed a one year foundation level at NewVIc; progressed with distinction to level three business studies; was an executive member of the Student Union; was a peer mentor to level two business students; went on a 10 week volunteering expedition in Nepal; completed his studies with triple distinction and now has a place at UCL, a Russell Group and top 10 ranked university.

Where did it all begin for you?

I arrived in London three years ago. When I came to this country from Goa, I didn’t know anyone here. I came with my brother. I did not come with my parents. I live in a rented two bedroom flat, it was hard finding a college, and I had to work part time to cope with the rent, so I had to quickly learn to adapt to a new country.

What made you choose NewVIc?

When I arrived I didn’t know much about colleges, if I’m honest, my brother chose NewVIc and I think he made the right choice. I’m happy to be here, it’s been the best move for me coming here. Everyone accepted me for who I was and I adapted well. NewVIc has really supported me in so many ways, through projects, courses, sports and mentoring. I’ve been really happy there.

How do you feel about being described as an inspiration to both teachers and fellow students?

I think I’m just hardworking and passionate about the things I get involved with really. I try and keep positive in all aspects of my life.

How have you been supported in your studies and aspirations?

My teachers have played a major role in motivating me to study. It has to be more than what you do at home; it’s about how you feel about learning a subject in school. Every time I go into a class I feel passionate and motivated, all because of them. They have helped me every step of the way. They made me believe in myself. They told me I was good enough and they pushed me beyond my own expectations to do better and better.

Tell us about your 10 week Raleigh International volunteering expedition.

I went to the Gorkha district of Nepal, working side by side with communities on environmental projects. We did a lot of work out there from building houses to building trenches for pipes. We also dug intake pits. I took part in a wash project which stood for water, sanitation and hygiene. In this project we taught locals how to wash their hands and keep themselves clean.

I walked for 11 hours almost every day. At the end of the 10 weeks it was sad to say goodbye to all the friends I had made from around the world. I’m really proud to have made a change in someone’s life.

What is your advice for students considering NewVIc?

Honestly, when you are here you realise how good the college is. NewVIc is a good place to develop your skills to bring out the best in you; they really believe that everyone has the opportunity to succeed and will push you to achieve your potential. It’s a wonderful place. I definitely feel that I made the right decision in coming here to study.

So what’s next?

Just found out I’ve landed a job with Apple! I can’t wait to start! I’m also really looking forward to starting my BSc (Hons) in Information Management for Business at UCL in September.